Monday, December 15, 2014


We be...
We be...
We be...
Travellin' down the highway of the enemy...
We be...
Joinin' the endless convoy of cultural hegemony...
We be...
Missin' the forest for the trees 'cause...
We can't see the evils that men do
On TV, in the movies, overseas, and right here on our street...
We be...
Opting for vainglory over humility...
We need... We need...
To break the convoy line
Get the hell off the highway, take the road less travelled 'cause that moral fibber you thought was so tightly woven...
It's unravelling... It's unravelled...
I hate to tell ya'll, it's unravelled!

We be...
I'm standin' on my soapbox again... Say...
I'm one of those conscious artists talkin' that "change the world" shit again... Say...
I might be just a bit too dramatic/overzealous 'bout what I see as...
The human spirit's dive into uncertainty...
Say... What you like
Say... What you like...
'cause I'll be all those things you say... all night and all day...
Before I allow myself and soul... to whither away, into... indistinctness
Live a half-life of blissful ignorance
Never take another chance
Do the latest dance... with the devil...
And lose my dreams... for all we could be
Lose my dreams for all we could be... we be

We be... many
So many
Many... like the number of death threats Malcolm that used to get
We be... many... oh so many...
Many... like the multitudes of souls, lost... in the wars of men...
Over gold, over power, over god & hate
We be... many... so, so many...
Many... like the lies that pale the truth
The countless lies of prophets & power mongers... told...
To acquire faith, to steal oppress people...
We be the oppressed peoples
We be
Why can't we be
Why can't we be more peaceful?
Why can't we be... nicer... to one another?
Why can't we be... we be... what we were meant to be... love...

We be...
We be...

Friday, December 12, 2014

Nostalgia Kills

I feel like I'm perpetually looking at or living in the past. Forever yearning in a nostalgic haze for the kind of childhood friendship where you are "glued at the hip" with one-another.

But adulthood, responsibilty, and life get in the way now.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Abandonment & BPD

"Abandonment is a cumulative wound. It contains all of the disappointment, disconnection, rejection, heartache, self-doubt, self-frustration, and shame we’ve ever felt since childhood. Feeling rejected and cast off can thrust us into an emotional time warp, unleashing a torrent of emotion that seems all out of proportion to the actual event. These primal feelings form the basis of the molten lava that spews from the rock bottom of our emotional core to the freshly opened wound, volcanically consuming us in their power to entirely interrupt our lives, at least during the initial stages.

In borderline personality disorder (BPD), it takes a lesser event to trigger an equally painful emotional response, through no fault of the person suffering from this syndrome of emotional dysregulation. This hyper-reactivity is also a cornerstone of PTSD of Abandonment (a category which offers overlapping, alternative etiology and terminology). Borderline reactions are not voluntary, yet the sufferer wears guilt and shame for their emotional excessiveness. Those who’ve been through a painful breakup can truly appreciate the pain a Borderline must feel on a chronic basis.

Borderline is a disease of the amygdala, the emotional center of the brain, the part of the brain responsible for the Fight Flee Freeze response. In the Borderline the amygdala is set on overdrive, in a perpetual state of emergency, creating chronic hyper-vigilance and emotional hijacking."

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Anger Management Issues

Ah, online personal blogs.... where you can write almost anything and have nothing to worry about, because no one's reading your crap anyway.


I have an anger management problem, this manifests as snapping at people around me, not handling criticism very well, and just being unpleasant to be around at certain times. To be honest some part of me still tells myself that these issues are caused by the idiots around me, yet I should know that my emotions are my responsibility and whether I choose to show them is also my choice; how do I prevent what I can't control, sometimes what I can't see, when it happens?

It bothers me that I rarely see how aggrivated I get until later -if at all- and in the rare times I am aware of how I'm acting,  I usually describe it as watching from a 3rd person perspective. I know that I'm yelling, I know I'm arguing over something stupid or blowing it out of proportion, but I can't make myself stop. I feel justified in some way; I'd been wronged and needed justice.

My relationship can be stressful, because I'm almost always irritated about something, or wake up angry/annoyed. And my S.O. can only be so understanding, after putting up with me for close to 4 years now. Not to say that I don't put up with quirks in their behavior as well, but I'm obviously more explosive.

When I get like this, nothing calms me down, save for hitting something like a wall (I need to buy a punching bag). I have a past history of cutting myself as a bad coping mechanism, I don't anymore, but I do think about it.

Know that if it were up to me I'd show no emotion when I get irritated, but I know this is not a real solution, because I'd still get irritated by what people do.

How do you see your anger?