Sunday, June 7, 2009

The Words of Humans Fill Me With Fear

by Rilke

The words of humans fill me with fear.
They name all the things with articulate sound:
so this is called house and that is called hound,
and the end's over there and the start's over here.

Their thinking is scary, with scorn they have fun;
they know what will come and what came before;
and even the mountain is sacred no more:
their property ends just where God's has begun.

I'm meaning to warn them and stop them: Stay clear!
It's the singing of things I'm longing to hear.
You touch them and stiff and silent they turn.
You're killing the things for whose singing I yearn!


  1. with scorn they have fun

    very nice.

  2. This whole rhyming scheme has me perplexed to the core
    I'm not sure if I need to repeat here verse one
    Or if three was the verse that I should there have done
    Nevermind; I don't think that I care anymore.
