Sunday, May 10, 2009

If Today Was Your Last Day - If Tomorrow Was Too Late

"Each day's a gift and not a given right."

If today was your last day, would you be happy with how you've spent your life? Would you be happy with the choices you made and where you have ended up? If today was your last day... how would you live it? I'm not speaking of the kitsch, tawdry, or cheesy responses of what amazing fun things you were do with your last remaining hours but rather what should really be important in life.

Would you take the path less traveled? Forget your fears and inhibitions that have only kept you from doing what you've only dreamed of? Not let anything or anyone stand in your way for what you want to accomplish.

If tomorrow was too late, would you really live each moment like your last?

"What's worth the price is always worth the fight."

Live life like you're never living twice. Don't take the free ride or put yourself on auto-pilot. You can miss out on so much. The friends you could have had, the joys the bond people together, the pain that makes you stronger. The many lessons one learns.

If today was your last day, would you finally call old friends you never see? Would it take such an event for you to start living, start caring? Would you take that chance to be with someone you care about, to not have to wonder about the "what ifs"? To reminisce about old memories and forgive those who have hurt you? If today was your last day, would you take your grudges to your grave?

How would you make your mark? Regardless of who you are or who you think you are.
Would you do whatever it takes? You can never rewind a moment in this life. The hands of time are never on your side.

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